17 Jun 2020 11:05 AM
  • idiForest
  • event
  • innovation
  • resin
  • INCREDIBLE project

The idiForest event, which was planned to be held in May, has been postponed due to the pandemic caused by the COVID-19. It will be held next September in person but also with the option of online participation for a part of the activities planned in the new program.

idiForest will take place over two days. There will be conferences given by technologists, entrepreneurs and experts in business models, as well as working groups to develop new projects with the advice of specialist mentors.

In this way, participants will learn first-hand about inspiring technology projects already in operation and, in addition, will be able to develop their own innovative ideas in working groups. These groups will be supported by mentors and technical advisors who will be present at the event.

In the next few days, the dates of the event, the format, the exact place and the programme will be detailed. Those interested will need to register and fill a web form, even though attendance is free.